
評分4.0(2)TheliveSiacoinpricetodayis$0.003292USDwitha24-hourtradingvolumeof$30019110.52USD.WeupdateourSCtoUSDpriceinreal-time.,評分4.0(2)Siacoin(SC)是Sia的原生實用代幣;Sia是一個基於區塊鏈的分散式去中心化雲端儲存平台。Sia是個安全、免信任的雲端儲存市集,用戶可以將自己的閒置儲存空間對外出租 ...,ThenumberofSiacoinscreatedforeachblockis300,000minustheheight.Thismeansablockwithablockheightof200,000...

Siacoin price today, SC to USD live price, marketcap and chart

評分 4.0 (2) The live Siacoin price today is $0.003292 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $30019110.52 USD. We update our SC to USD price in real-time.

Siacoin (SC) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標

評分 4.0 (2) Siacoin (SC) 是Sia 的原生實用代幣;Sia 是一個基於區塊鏈的分散式去中心化雲端儲存平台。Sia 是個安全、免信任的雲端儲存市集,用戶可以將自己的閒置儲存空間對外出租 ...

Siacoin Total Supply

The number of Siacoins created for each block is 300,000 minus the height. This means a block with a block height of 200,000 has created 100,000 ... at master · martindalesia

The Sia cryptosystem has two types of currency. The first is the Siacoin. Siacoins are generated every block and distributed to the miners. These miners can ...

SC Explorer - Siacoin Block Explorer

SC blockchain explorer is able to search all blockchain data of SC blockchain such as latest block, historial transactions, addresses and SC wiki.


Completely Private. Sia encrypts and distributes your files across a decentralized network. · Highly Redundant · Far More Affordable · Designed for integration.


Siascan is a block explorer with host statistics and pricing details. Siascan is built for Sia, a decentralized storage network.

Siacoin - SC Price, Live Chart, and News

Siacoin (SC) price, live charts, news and more. Siacoin to USD price is updated in real time. Learn about Siacoin, receive market updates and more.


對業餘礦工(無使用電腦才開啟挖礦軟體的人)與專業顯卡礦工而言,ASIC礦機完全會停止他們雙挖SIA COIN的收益,但對於SIA的區塊鏈來說ASIC才是最好的選擇。

Siacoin Price: SC Price Index and Live Chart

Siacoin (SC) currently has a price of $0.0034 and is down -1.72% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 275 with a market cap of $191.5M. Over the ...